Grove Chamber Is Moving Downtown
Lisa Friden, Chamber President, said PSO has graciously offered building space for staff and a Visitor Center. "We will have more work space and more storage space, and we are excited about the move, which will take place by Feb. 1, 2006."
"We will still work hand in hand with the Grand Lake Association," she added, "as we do with many business organizations."
“The new central location will offer the Chamber easier access to the entire business community” said Greg Martin, Chairman of the Board. Being downtown will also allow more monies to be focused on the promotion of the City of Grove and Grove Area Chamber members. "We look forward to increased service to our members and are excited to be a part of the Downtown Revitalization”, Friden said.
The Chamber and the Grand Lake Association have shared a building on Highway 59 for more than five years, with the Chamber getting free rent but paying for some utilities at about $600 a month. This year state funds of about $55,000 were cut from GLA so officers of GLA asked the Chamber leaders to help with some of the expenses in the form of rent, about $800 a month, plus continuing to pay the $600 a month in utilities.
One Chamber board member said the Chamber officers bent over backwards to work with the GLA, including offering $450 a month in rent plus utilities, but GLA would not budge.
GLA has also had to refinance the mortgage to pay for a new roof, about $40,000, as the old roof has leaked for several years. Another source said an entirely new roof was not required, but only repairs to flashing at a cost of around $8000 plus the inside damages caused by moisture.
"We will miss our buddies across the hall and have enjoyed working with them," Deb Wolek, Executive Director of the GLA said Thursday. "We are agressively seeking grants and other monies, and the City of Grove has given us $5,000 to help in hosting the ESPN Citgo Bassmasters Elite 100 Tournament in June."
She said that ESPN has already given Grand Lake two hours of airtime and will cover the event live, and Bassmasters Magazine has the event listed every month in its' magazine. The event will be held June 1-4 out of North Beach, where space is available for an anticipated 8000 persons to attend.