Scrooge Appears at Council Meeting
Voting to take the matter to a future Executive Session were Mayor Carolyn Nuckolls, Larry Parham, and Gary Bishop, while Dave Helms and Terry Ryan voted against taking the matter into closed session.
Council did, however, approve a Christmas Bonus, $150 per full time employee for 85 employees, and $50 for each of 50 part time employees, for a total of $15,250.
The Council governs the actions of the City Manager, City Treasurer and City Judge. All other employees report to the City Manager, although Council can still approve salaries through the budget process.
In other action at the rather brief meeting, council:
--Presented a Certificate of Appreciation to the Employee of the Month, Larry Prins of the Grove Police Department, who will retire Dec. 31.
--Approved the parade route for this Saturday's Grove Christmas Parade from the Civic Center to Cheapo Depo, being held from 6-7 p.m.
--Approved an $1800.00 contract for Horizon Engineering for an Environmental Impact Report on the proposed purchase of 59 acres of land west of the Grove Airport, although Councilman Terry Ryan said the land purchase has been delayed since the propery owner does not want to sell under the conditions laid out at the last council meeting. Acting City Attorney Ron Cates said the council will need to rescind a previous motion to move ahead with the purchase, since it may be impossible to carry out the action voted upon.
--Tabled bid proposals for a new outdoor baseball/softball scoreboard, being donated by Grand Savings Bank, to ask the bank to make the check out to a third party rather than the City of Grove, which had nothing to do with either the bidding or fundraising. Resident Glenn Sharp suggested that using the Grand Lake Association Federation would be appropriate since it was created as a 501 (c) (3) corporation for just that purpose.
--Approved a bid from Hollytree Landscaping of Grove to plant 106 trees along Main Street from Blockbusters to Radio Shack on the west side and from Rib Crib to Coburns on the east side, paid for by ODOT. The only bid was for $17,195, while the ODOT grant was for $23,000, city officials said. Work is to be completed by within 45 days. The bid was under the Highway Tree Beautification Project.
--Approved a bid from Casco Industries, Oklahoma City, for $14,430 for bunker gear for the Grove Fire Department.
--Approved a bid from Turn-Key Mobile, Jefferson City, MO. for $12,823 for three new laptop computers, printers and a palm pilot for the Grove Police Department.