City Council OK's More on 18th Street Issue
City Manager Bill Galletly said details of the 18th Street Project would be unveiled at the next Council meeting, but the road would cost in the neighborhood of $2 million from Sumac to Shundi and north to 9th Street. The project should be ready for bidding shortly, he added. Opinions of citizens have varied over the need for the road, from no need, to much needed, and everything in between.
The road was once planned to be five lanes but has since shrunk to two lanes, curbed and guttered, with a 10-foot sidewalk on one side.
In other action, the council okayed authorization for an energy grant application to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce on 80-20 matching funds for new lighting for downtown Grove, as part of the Downtown Revitalization Project; took no action on the purchase or appraisal of property coming out of executive session; announced that PSO will put utilities underground on Shundi's West side north to 13th street, saving the city $200,000, with the city to dig the trench; presented Employee of the Month Award to Jack Bower; and approved the grant application for Federal 95/05 matching funds for the Grove Municipal Airport additional land purchase, pending review from the City Attorney.
Bower is Field Superintendent for GMSA and has worked for the city for 12 years.
The council also voted to waive the fee for Grove EMS to use the civic center three days in August for continued education programs.
Grove businessman Jim Sherman spoke regarding the need for traffic enforcement on Third Street, as trucks are running the light and speeding 40-50 miles an hour in downtown Grove; he also addressed the issue of the Bradford Pear trees growing into storefront awnings. The council took no action on either item.