The Grove Observer

A weekly newspaper for Grove and Grand Lake residents. Published every Friday. If you have news, email us at or fax (918) 791-0206. Copyright 2007. No reproduction without consent of the author.

Welcome to The Grove Observer...a weekly newspaper serving Grove and the Grand Lake area. If it's news, we'll cover it. You also have the opportunity to comment on our newspaper via your own posts. We publish every Friday and hope that you enjoy this increased coverage of events around Grand Lake. Send our web address to your friends as well.

Editor & Publisher: Jim Mills

Friday, September 07, 2007

P&Z to Hold Meeting Tuesday

The Grove Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a regular meeting next Tuesday at 3 p.m. at City Hall. Agenda items have not been approved by the City Manager as of press deadline but sources said the meeting may include discussion of the proposed changes in height restrictions, an item which is to be discussed at the Sept. 18 City Council meeting without first being considered by P&Z.
Title 11, Chapter 1 Sec. 43-105 of the Oklahoma Statutes, states:
"...the Municipal governing body shall appoint a commission to be known as the zoning commission to recommend the boundaries of the various original districts and to recommend appropriate regulations to be enforced therein. The commission shall make a preliminary report and hold public hearings thereon before submitting its final report. The governing body shall not hold its public hearings or take action until it has received the final report of the commission..."


Commissioners to Discuss Hiring TIF Specialists

Just one day before the election of a new County Commissioner, the remaining two commissioners will discuss the possible hiring of an Oklahoma City firm that specializes in economic development projects through TIF (tax increment financing) districts. The meeting is at 9 a.m. at the Jay Courthouse.
The firm, Center for Economic Development Law, is headed by James Dan Batchelor and offers legal services in the creation of financial strategies for economic and community development projects.
Sources said the proposed TIF district would specifically benefit the Peninsula project on Monkey Island headed by Peter Boylan. The matter is being considered while only two commissioners are seated, as Tuesday's election will decide who will represent District Two for the third seat.
The matter is listed as Agenda Item 11.


Council OK's $6.4 Million in Bond Issuance

Bonds Will Finance Expansion of Precision Leasing

Grove City Council members approved the proposed issuance of $6.4 million in revenue bonds for financing the expansion of Precision Leasing Company LLC in Grove which will add some 30 new employees to the staff. The City is neither the lender nor the borrower.

At Tuesday's meeting, Council also honored Jim Rhoads as Employee of the Month, citing him for discovering a leaking low pressure natural gas line belonging to the new Early Education Center and bringing it to the attention of his supervisors. Testing showed the line was actually leaking, officials said, and "the gas could have migrated into the school building causing a disaster for our community."

Council also approved 5-0 to bid out for a new 2008 police pursuit vehicle at an estimated cost of $33,000; three dispatcher work stations for the police department at a cost of $15-$30,000; bids for installation and purchase of video sensor equipment at the traffic light at Third & Main, with $30,000 budgeted in 07-08; and purchase of a new four wheel drive backhoe at an estimated cost of $65,000 for GMSA use.


A Questionnaire to Commissioner Candidates...

The Grove Observer recently sent a questionnaire to both candidates for County Commissioner, District 2, regarding the upcoming Sept. 11 election, with a deadline of Sept. 1 for returning the questionnaire. Candidate Billy Cornell did not return the questionnaire. Candidate Janet Warford-Perry's responses are printed below:

1. What do you see as the top three problems facing the county the next two years?

An overcrowded jail, settling the MIDA lawsuit and stretching or finding the additional funds to build roads because the price of crude oil drives up the cost of all goods the county utilizes.

2. The county jail in Jay has been discussed at commissioner meetings for more than a year. How will you address the mandate of the state, building a new jail, and the financing of it?

It has never been my understanding that the state mandated building a new jail. The state has mandated the county to address the overcrowding situation in the existing facility.

I do not favor building a new jail because the citizens of this county, particularly in Grove, tell me they can't afford an increased city sales tax rate to finance another jail.

Instead of building another new castle for the incarcerated, I favor remodeling the old jail as a first step. In addition to that, I feel that county leaders need to find alternative methods of punishment instead of incarceration. For example, sentencing inmates to wear ankle bracelets and report in each day to a work crew that would, among other
things, clear brush left over from the tornado and ice storm, pick up trash, and a variety of county work.

If a jail must be built, I prefer setting up a work farm where prisoners grow their own food and don't have time to whittle a toothbrush into an implement of destruction. I have researched this type of set up and if elected, will share more detailed plans with the citizens.

3. The county may face payment of a $3 million debt due to the lawsuit over the Grand Lake Regional Airport on Monkey Island. Where will you come up with the money?

It is my understanding that the county's insurance policy may cover some of this liability, otherwise, the people of this county may have to share the costs via increased property taxes of a settling a lawsuit that was created by alleged backroom deals, mismanagement, racketeering and conspiracy by local officials.

4. Do you understand the Open Meeting Act? Will you follow it?

For years I've held local and state officials' feet to the fire regarding the Open Meeting Act and the Open Records Act. Not only will I adhere to those laws, but I expect the people of this county to hold my feet to the fire. I will not hub up in a backroom or anywhere else with another commissioner and discuss business--it's against the Open Meeting Act.

5. How will you administer county road funds?

First, I would design a five-year plan for road maintenance to expend county funds in the most cost effective manner. Instead of putting that five-year plan on a shelf to gather dust, it would become a living document that we worked from every day. I'd make sure the road foreman and his crew set and achieved weekly as well as monthly goals to better
maintain your roads.

6. What steps would you take to improve the efficiency of county government?

District 2 needs a commissioner who can plan its work and oversee as employees work its plan. Organization is probably the key to making this district or any other more efficient.

I also plan to keep the citizens of this district more informed than it has been in the past, specifically by creating a website where they can review upcoming projects and offer suggestions via email for road work that needs to be done in their neighborhood. Additionally, I hope to provide the public with a monthly newspaper column and/or periodic newsletter of accomplishments within the district.

However, I might caution that as with any job, whether it be government or with the private sector, until the new commissioner is elected and can review the present situation, it's impossible to foresee specific needs of this district.



The Eggs and Issues breakfast Friday featuring the two county commissioner candidates, sponsored by the Grove Chamber, has been cancelled due to lack of interest. Not a good sign; either everyone has made up their mind or they just don't care about county government...Downtown Grove is looking much better and the first phase of the Revitalization Project is due for completion in just a couple of weeks; the new light poles should be installed by next week, and the trees will wait until cooler weather in October, say city officials…They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Not exactly. We're tired of seeing our photos and words in print in other area newspapers. First, it's against the copyright laws, and second, it is plagiarism, the ugliest form of journalism. We don't make a dime on this blog but the newspapers doing the copying do. The next time it happens, we're going to sue in court. Our policy is that if we cannot cover the event ourselves, we don't steal stuff from other newspapers…Grove Rotarians were treated to a really bad report card on the general health of state residents by State Senator Brian Crane of Tulsa this week. After dining on a nice lunch of fried chicken, mashed taters and gravy, we were told Oklahomans smoke too much, drink too much, don’t eat right, don't exercise, have abundant heart disease, a shorter life expectancy than the rest of the country and getting shorter, and we rank 10th in suicides. So get out there and eat your five servings a day of fruit, two servings a day of vegetables, give up Chicken Fried Steak and gravy, exercise at least 20 minutes a day, quit smoking, and knock off on the suicides. We Okies need to improve our image…


An Editorial...County Commissioner Choices

Janet Warford-Perry, one of the two candidates running for Delaware County Commissioner in next Tuesday's election, does not wear a hat or know how to drive a road grader. But as she says, she can buy a hat and hire someone to run the road grader, it's the rest of the job that matters.

Actually, it is what's under the hat that matters the most, and this is why Janet should be elected County Commissioner by the voters. After all, she's already attended more commissioner meetings than even the sitting commissioners, as a reporter for the Miami News-Record for many years.

Her background in the insurance industry gives her the insight to manage a $4.1 million business that affects every man, woman and child in Delaware County-- your taxes, law enforcement, and a host of other issues. Running county government is a business and those in charge should be experienced in business, not just mowing or road grading.

The Observer urges all registered voters in the precincts affected to get out and vote on Tuesday and make the right choice for County Commissioner. Read her answers to our Questionnaire elsewhere in this edition, then cast your vote for Warford-Perry.


An Opinion Poll...

We want our reader's opinions. Should $1 million of taxpayer money be donated to the Integris Hospital Corporation to help build a new $58 million hospital in Grove?

Yes, or No.

Simply send an email to with "Yes" or "No." Results will be announced in next week's Observer. Deadline is Wednesday, Sept. 12.

We realize this is not a scientific poll but in all likelihood, it is the only one that will be offered on this subject.


Letters to the Editor...

To the Editor:

It’s understandable, never the less a shame that the boo birds would quickly
open up on Groves new City Council and their appointments. A local blogger took full aim with some exaggerated and unnecessary criticism to do what he could to demean the newly elected councils efforts to restore some semblance of common sense to city government.

Wonder if the blogger took into consideration that those elected to the new council were all elected by wide margins, indicating that there was extreme dissatisfaction with the former council and its appointments? Shouldn’t the new council respond to the expressed desire of the majority? Real criticism for the new guys would be much more warranted if they had not responded to the clear call of the voters!

Grove is in the fortunate position of being located where growth and change is inevitable, so I suppose are 5 or 6 story buildings, a subject which seems to have upset a few folks. The council is elected to oversee and help manage this sort of development. They not only have the right, but the responsibility to discuss and vote on the changes that seem to be on the horizon. The Council has the committees and authorities to refer questions to, and I’m certain they will. It is premature to begin to criticize them for approving or disapproving matters that haven’t yet even been taken into consideration! That is, I suppose unless you’re just looking for something to criticize!

One minor item in that blog referred to our new City Manager as a “miniBall” referring I suppose to Richard Ball who held that position for over 15 years. A great deal of growth and progress occurred during Mr. Ball’s term, in fact during that period Grove really grew up! No one agreed with him all the time either but the city progressed with little chaos! Many, including the blogger weren’t even residents during most of that period, but they are still ready to make their critical comments!
After the still recent elections, changes were inevitable. Those who supported the other side should be well aware that changes would take place. Before being so quick to be critical why not give these efforts some time to work out? Most of the changes are exactly what the council was elected and expected to do. It will take some time to make accurate and honest evaluations of their success. We should all hope they will succeed! After all, their success will be in everyone’s best interest!

Bob Hinkle
Grove, OK

(Editors Note: Our editorial concerned the performance to date of the new city manager. We continue to believe that he is a hired businessman who should manage the city in the best interests of all the residents. We will be happy to share the success stories of city management with our readers, provided we learn about them.)


Grove Rotary Students of the Month

Jana Hill and Tyler Dodson are Grove Rotary Club's Students of the Month. Both are seniors at Grove High School. Jana plans on attending college and a teaching career and maybe writing a novel, while Tyler would like to be a coach and teacher after college graduation.


What's In the Newspapers this Week

Here's what the out of town newspapers are reporting this week:

County Commissioner's Wife Faces Embezzlement Charge
read at

Carthage Seeking Opinions on Comprehensive Plan
read at


Lendonwood to Honor Volunteers

Garden volunteers and supporters will be honored at the Lendonwood Gardens Annual Meeting and Party on Tuesday, September 11, at the public botanical garden in Grove.
The casual outdoor party will feature music, food, a plant sale and a silent auction of several bonsai plants, according to Sharon Houck, chairman of the event committee. A barbecue dinner will be catered by Larry Koch of Cimarron Doc’s Bar-B-Q and Chili Company in Grove. Guitar music will be provided by musician Jered Swopes, Houck said. The party will begin at 5:30 p.m.
During the evening, there will be a short business meeting to vote on a new slate of officers for the Lendonwood Board of Directors. In addition, Lendonwood members will vote on a proposed change in the by-laws.
Cindy Reynolds, president of the garden’s board, said the highlight of the evening will be the opportunity to say “thank you” to the many volunteers, members and supporters who have contributed to the beauty and success of the garden. “Without the hard work and contributions of these supporters, Lendonwood would not be the community jewel it has become,” Reynolds said.
More than 1,200 types of plants fill the public garden’s three acres at 1308 West 13th Street (Har-Ber Road) in Grove. Highlights include large, colorful collections of rhododendrons, dogwoods, daylilies, Japanese maples, and hostas.
Lendonwood also is home to the Angel of Hope statue garden, a serene memorial to lost loved ones. In addition, a large Japanese pavilion overlooks a scenic pond filled with koi.
Lendonwood is a non-profit organization operated by a Board of Directors consisting of volunteers from the local community.


Commissioner Voting Information...

Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 2007 for the Special General Election and Dixie Smith, Secretary of the Delaware County Election Board, offered voters some tips on how to make their votes count.

Smith said a valid marking ---a filled-in arrow---is shown on posters at the polling place and inside the voting booths. If voters make mistakes marking their ballots, Smith said they should not try to correct those errors. Instead, voters should return the spoiled ballot to the Precinct Officials, who will destroy it and issue a new ballot to the voter.

Smith also urged voters to take their Voter Identification Cards to the polls with them. “Your voter identification card can help Precinct officials find your name in the Precinct Registry and it may also help them resolve the problem if you are not listed in the Precinct Registry.”

Voters whose names are not found in the Precinct Registry, or a voter who disagrees with the information shown in the Registry, may need to cast a provisional ballot. A provisional ballot is sealed in a special envelope and counted after Election Day if the voter’s information can be verified by the County Election Board.

Smith said voters who want to get through the line quickly should vote mid-morning or mid-afternoon, because those usually are the two slowest periods for voting during the day.

“Anyone who is eligible and in line at the polling place at 7 p.m. on Tuesday will be entitled to vote,” she added.

Following is a list of the precinct polling place locations in Delaware County for County Commissioner District #2 and Turkey Ford Schools:

Delaware County Polling Places
For County Commissioner District #2

Precinct Polling Location Address


1st United Methodist Church
1005 Leisure Rd.
Grove, OK 74344


Independent Baptist Church
11th and Grand
Grove, OK 74344


Zena Community Center
36000 S. 575 Rd.
Jay, OK 74346


1st Assembly of God Church
(In Jay)

908 N. Main
Jay, OK 74346


Assembly of God Church
(In Topsy)
40867 S. 510 Rd.
Eucha, OK 74342


Eucha Fire Dept.
7024 E. 432 Rd.
Eucha, OK 74342


Mt. Hermon Church Rec. Bldg.
(6 miles E of Jay)
18035 E. 420 Rd.
Jay, OK 74346
