Grove Police Chief's Termination Rescinded
Grove Police Chief Mark Wall, now on paid administrative leave, Monday morning told Eddie Wyant he would not be able to serve as an investigator in the district attorney's office, since his firing Friday was rescinded later that day. Wyant had offered Wall the position in the sex offender division Friday, in between the time that Wall was fired and reinstated.
Wall was terminated as a city employee at 8:30 Friday morning by City Manager Bill Galletly. Named acting chief was Ivan Devitt, Jr. Wall was locked out of his office and was unable "to retrieve my personal items," he said Monday. Wall said he was given no reason, just handed a letter regarding his termination.
At 4.20 p.m. Friday, Wall's termination was rescinded and his employment reinstated effective immediately without loss of pay or benefits, after the city received a letter from Wall's attorney, citing case law and stating that the Grove Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual is contrary to decisions of the state and federal courts. The letter demanded reinstatement and a review of the decision made by Galletly.
In between, he was hired by District Attorney Eddie Wyant as an investigator in the new sex offender division.
However on Monday morning Wall went to see Wyant and withdraw from the investigator position. "I will await the outcome of the pending legal issues and I appreciate the District Attorney's offer, but I just want to continue as Chief of Police in Grove and serve the citizens there," Wall said.
Wall's reinstatement came after Galletly received a faxed letter from Wall's attorney, Bobby Ramsey, stating that "unless your letter is rescinded by the close of business of May 19, 2006, with full reimbursement of pay for Mr. Wall, all appropriate legal action will be taken on Mr. Wall's behalf."
Ramsey said the action was "both unfortunate and very poorly timed. It is inconceivable that the City would discharge Mr. Wall after Mr. Wall had participated in a funeral of a co-officer the day before. It is also inconceivable that this action would be taken after the recent Grand Jury report made the following observation:" (quoting from the Grand Jury's Observations on city management).
Ramsey also said the firing violated state statutes Title 11: 50-123 regarding a board of review regarding members of the Police Pension and Retirement System of Oklahoma.
He said the City of Grove does not have in place a civil service or merit board or a negotiated contract covering discharge of their members to hear appeals and the City has not complied with state statutes regarding the termination or establishment of a review board.
"Your actions taken on this day are contrary to Oklahoma Law and in violation of Chief Wall's civil rights, the letter to Galletly said.
City councilors were not consulted in advance of the firing, but they are not required to be notified, officials said. Copies of Ramsey's letter were faxed to City Councilors, however.
Wall has been Chief of Police in Grove since 1999, according to officials, and with the department since 1992.
Friday afternoon Wyant issued a news release announcing the hiring of Wall as "my newest investigator to join my staff." Wall was to join the staff Monday morning.
"It is unfortunate for the citizens of Grove to have lost such a fine man aas Mr. Wall as the Chief of Police, but I am excited about having the opportunity to hire such an experienced and knowledegable law enforcement officer. Mr. Wall did express his desire to explore the legality of his termination, with intentions on hopefully returning to his post at the Grove Police Department in the near future, but I am grateful that he has accepted my offer to become part of my staff whether it is on a temporary or permanent basis," the statement said.
"Mr. Wall will be assigned as an investigator in Delaware County to assist with our new sex offender division and will be keeping track of all registered sex offenders in Delaware County as well as assisting with child abuse and sexual abuse investigations within our district," the statement continued.
Wyant said the position will remain open for Wall until the legal issues surrounding his termination can be cleared up.
Ramsey's letter to Galletly cited the recent Grand Jury investigation and its recommendation to the City Council to "start taking their position seriously, to pay attention to what is happening with the management of the city, and to take action to correct the misdeeds and flagrant and gross abuse of power that continues to be exercised."
Caroline Weaver, Court Clerk, said Monday the cost of the Grand Jury was $8,178.30, which was covered in her budget since $7,000 was left over from previous trials.