The Grove Observer

A weekly newspaper for Grove and Grand Lake residents. Published every Friday. If you have news, email us at or fax (918) 791-0206. Copyright 2007. No reproduction without consent of the author.

Welcome to The Grove Observer...a weekly newspaper serving Grove and the Grand Lake area. If it's news, we'll cover it. You also have the opportunity to comment on our newspaper via your own posts. We publish every Friday and hope that you enjoy this increased coverage of events around Grand Lake. Send our web address to your friends as well.

Editor & Publisher: Jim Mills

Friday, February 02, 2007

Services Set Saturday for William Holway

Services for William N. (Bill) Holway, a pioneer in building GRDA water projects, are set this Saturday at 2 p.m. at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa. Holway worked on the construction of the Pensacola Dam while in college and later his company engineered the Markham Ferry Dam and pumpback project as well as the coal-fired steam plant in Pryor. He was 86.

We had the pleasure of interviewing Bill in the spring of '05 while working on a history project for GRDA…people still alive who had worked on the building of Pensacola Dam.
We went to Holway Point, near the entrance to Drowning Creek, via boat and tied up at the dock. There, having driven down the hill in his car, was Bill, waiting to greet us.

We sat inside the Holway Family compound, built by his father, W.R., of limestone rock taken from the spillway south of the Dam in 1945-49. He and his wife Polly patiently talked about the old days and gave us copies of the history of the Holway family and showed us many photos in the family collection.

Bill's father, W.R. Holway, was the chief engineer for the Pensacola project and his wife Hope, assisted in the engineering office. She had been his high school English teacher, eight years his senior. Bill's mother in her 20's was a drop dead gorgeous woman while his father was a Robert Redford type character and no nonsense brilliant engineer. W.R. built the Spavinaw Water Project while still in his 20's. He designed the Spavinaw Dam to be a half inch taller at one end, so that the water across the 800-foot span would run evenly to match the earth's curvature.

Bill told us of how he spent one summer vacation from college at MIT painting the insides of the Pensacola dam's four penstocks with gooey black tar to make them slippery. "That was one hot, smelly job," he recalled. It took him nearly a month to do it.

He also did surveys around the lake to elevation 755 with survey crews using 1940 Dodge automobiles. He recalled being dropped off someplace on Drowning Creek, with a promise that the crew would return in an hour. Three hours went by and he was beginning to think the rest of the crew would never return for him, deep in the woods. He also did computations on the amount of concrete in the dam's buttresses, which are five feet thick at the bottom and two feet thick at the top.

When asked if he ever thought there would be 18,000 property owners on Grand Lake he said "never in my wildest dreams."

Then he shared a secret with us which has never been revealed to this day.

"The elevation marker at the dam is one foot off," he said, "but don't tell anyone."
"When the elevation of the lake is 743, it is really at 744," he said. "It was just a mistake."

We will miss Bill Holway's bright spirit, sense of humor and smile, and his contributions to many of GRDA's projects.


Beautiful, but so deadly.
Who said there was Global Warming? Somehow it has missed Grove. One Grove official described the recent ice storm as "our Katrina." Two weeks without power in some places. We ran into two power crews from Ft. Smith at a local restaurant and when they entered, they got a round of applause for their help. But still, it seemed that REC was very slow, initially, in responding to the major areas of Grove but we can't criticize their efforts in this dangerous profession. ...Someone had posted on our blog the fact that our publication had been spotty the past two months. We have just had a good glimpse of what Hell looks like, at the edge, with two surgeries on the neck and lumbar region of the back. If you don't need to do this, then don't! The surgery isn't so bad, it's the side effects and other stuff that kills you.
You want pain? You'll get it. Strangely, when we quit taking the pain pills, the pain went mostly away. Maybe that's why they call them pain pills. Recovery time is four months and we are now finished with month one, so we are slowly working our way back... In the meantime we'll proceed with abbreviated versions of the blog...The people that we feel for are the poor, who's power pole was ripped from their houses by the ice storm. It costs around $1,000 per home to have an electrician re-wire this thing up and many don't have the money for it. Should we wait for FEMA?...It's going to be hard to find qualified candidates for the next Grove Council election April 7 since the current council has been put through the wringer by opposition groups. The pay is $50 per meeting, less deductions, and the aggravation is high, with worry about lawsuits, pressure from interest groups, and other stuff...We will publish the candidates names next week...Our friendly telephone company, AT&T, won't give you credit for down time unless you first call to report it, although they know when it went down and when it came up. We wonder how you are supposed to call them when the power is out, your phone won't work, and the cell tower is frozen up (which they also own)...Meanwhile, DirecTV will give you credit for down time no questions asked if you call them...Have American Airlines Advantage Miles? Better check your account. AA has gone into many accounts and removed the miles, saying they were not being used, even though bookings were being made for future travel, and paid for.
Despite what the Tulsa World says, AA is as guilty as the rest of the bad guy airlines...Did you hear about the AA flight from San Francisco to DFW that was derailed to Austin? They kept the passengers on the airplane there for 12 hours, until the pilot disregarded instructions and taxied to a gate and let them off. Then there was another case, with a flight to DFW that was diverted to Little Rock. Some of the passengers lived within 20 minutes of the Little Rock airport and wanted off, but no way. They flew them back to Dallas where they missed their flight to Little Rock, where they had just spent 5 hours sitting on the tarmac. Who is running this airline anyway???

Council Filings Due by Wednesday

Candidates for three Grove City Council positions have until next Wednesday at 5 p.m. to file, according to the County Election Board. Filing opens Monday Feb. 5 at 8 a.m.

At that time, citizens of Grove will know which direction the city will be headed the next four years. Current council positions up for re-election include those of Dave Helms, Mayor Carolyn Nuckolls, and Larry Parham, for Wards 3, 4 and At Large. All terms will expire in 2011.

The election will be held in April.

YMCA Begins Teen Program

A YMCA program beginning this week promises to teach teenagers the basics of strength training to develop muscular strength and endurance.
“Teen Strength Training” is a month long program where teens meet weekly to learn the basics of strength training for each muscle group.
Classes will be held on Thursdays, February 1, 8, 15 and 22 from 4 pm to 5 pm,
There is no charge for YMCA members and just a nominal $8 per day cost for non-members. Enrollment is limited.
For further information and to preregister, call the YMCA at (918) 786-5774.
The YMCA is located at 206 Elk Street in Grove.

A Matter of Faith...

By Carol Round

Where do your footsteps lead?
Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me. Psalm 119:133 (NIV)

The recent ice storm that glazed the ground left many unprepared. Whether driving on the hazardous roads or attempting to walk on the slick parking lots and sidewalks, navigation was not easy.

Navigating through life is not always a simple task either. Even when the path appears clear, unexpected obstacles can surface, forcing us to maneuver around them, drive directly through them or stop on the journey and wait.

Waiting is not easy when we want to push ahead in spite of the warning signs. Sometimes we must rely on our own feet; other times it is best to place our trust in the Lord and follow His footsteps.

I was visiting with a friend, whose suggestion prompted the idea for this column. During the course of our conversation, I mentioned that my life as a freelance writer can sometimes be lonely. However, I know that I am never alone. God is always with me.

God created us for relationships. He did not intend for us to be alone. So, when I tire of pounding on my keyboard and miss the human connection, I have choices. I can pick up the phone and call a friend or I can head outdoors for a walk. However, with the cold weather, it is not always the best choice. That’s when I head to the local recreation center for exercise and to bond with others.

I love walking on the indoor track. The treadmill is not fun. Who wants to stand in one place? Granted your feet are moving, but I don’t feel like I’m going anywhere. I’m on auto-pilot.

When I set out on each lap, I feel like I’m going somewhere, even if it is in circles. My favorite part of this routine is meeting others, especially the elderly whose footsteps are slower than mine. Some need a kind word of encouragement from me; others respond to my fast pace with friendly comments like, “Hey, are you trying to make us look bad?” or “You sure have a lot of energy.”

I may be energetic but it’s God’s direction that keeps me going. When I want to give up, His word steers me on the path of righteousness. When the ice storms of life threaten my journey, I must step back and let Him take the helm.

When He leads me, I operate out of kindness and love, and not my own selfish desires. When I feel myself slipping into self-pity, I allow Him to direct my footsteps. When I do, I find myself reaching out to others, like the ones at the recreation center who appear lonelier than I sometimes feel.

When I allow Him to plan my steps, instead of relying on my own feet, His goodness and mercy allow me to be a blessing to others.

Who is directing your footsteps? Where are they leading? If you follow the footprints of the One who came to serve, then you are on the right path.

A collection of Carol Round’s most popular faith-based columns is now available in book form. For more information, readers can reach her at

Spring Fever Class set for Feb. 6

It might be freezing outside, but the local YMCA is thinking Spring and hosting “Spring Fever” on Tuesday, February 6 so Grand Lake residents can prepare for warmer weather.
“Spring Fever” ” is a free afternoon program to help you prepare to get back into the yard and garden.
The program will feature landscaping experts from Hollytree Landscaping & Decor as they provide spring gardening tips.
So put down the hot cocoa, grab your clippers and join us from 1 to 2 pm on February 6.
For further information, call the YMCA at (918) 786-5774.
The YMCA is located at 206 Elk Street in Grove.