Property Owners Upset Over ODOT Offers
Highway 59 from Leisure Lane to Sailboat Bridge is scheduled for a complete makeover next year, with up to five lanes. ODOT has been in condemnation proceedings since January.
The city had made ODOT aware of the new ordinances and requested that they take that into consideration in their acquisitions, but apparently this did not satisfy the merchants. They told Council that the State had offered them far less than what they felt their buildings were worth and did not take into consideration the cost of bringing the façade up to code.
Code requires that the front of the building be of brick or stone, if moved or altered, or if left vacant for six months. In some cases the sides must be partial brick as well. Councilman Larry Parham voiced this issue Wednesday regarding Hawkes Auto which had moved into the former Cheek Auto Mall building, which is not up to Code and was empty for more than six months.
City Manager Billl Galletly offered to sit down with each of the property owners and help them, but in the final analysis, the problem is between the State and the property owner.
In other action, Council:
--issued a proclamation for the Red Hat Society's Gala April 29;
--Heard from Connie Brewer regarding a request to hold a contest for the design of a City of Grove flag;
--Viewed a presentation on 18th Street progress from Jimmy Heard, project inspector for the city. Curbs are to be installed this week with two asphalt layers to be applied shortly, which will finish the project by July.
--Voted to update ordinances on street, sidewalk, driveways and parking lots.
--Heard from Bettie Kardos-Bishop, Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Commission, on items being placed on the Council Agenda without knowledge of the City Manager, City Clerk, or P&Z Chairman. Council agreed that all requests to be put on the Agenda for P&Z meetings should go through either Galletly or City Clerk Bonnie Buzzard.
--Awarded DDT Fireworks the annual July 4 Fireworks Show on a bid of $15,000 with 1200 additional "shots" provided over the bid specs. In previous years, Fireworks Spectacular has provided the show. This year there will be 3458 "shots." (unless the Burn Ban continues in which case there will be no fireworks show)
--tabled action regarding transfer of property for the Grove Municipal Airport Authority to the city, but approved action transferring GIDA property to the city. The airport paperwork needs some slight correction and will be ready at the next meeting.
Council went into Executive Session at 7:20 p.m. to discuss possible action on pending legal claims regarding the Grand Jury investigation, litigation filed by Earl Shero, and the case of Gary Metcalf vs the City. Former Councilman David Adzigian also attended the Session as he was named in one of the lawsuits. Council came out of the session at 8:25 p.m. and announced that no action was taken.