The Grove Observer

A weekly newspaper for Grove and Grand Lake residents. Published every Friday. If you have news, email us at or fax (918) 791-0206. Copyright 2007. No reproduction without consent of the author.

Welcome to The Grove Observer...a weekly newspaper serving Grove and the Grand Lake area. If it's news, we'll cover it. You also have the opportunity to comment on our newspaper via your own posts. We publish every Friday and hope that you enjoy this increased coverage of events around Grand Lake. Send our web address to your friends as well.

Editor & Publisher: Jim Mills

Friday, April 21, 2006

Property Owners Upset Over ODOT Offers

Several Grove property owners along Highway 59 appeared at the regular Council meeting Tuesday night to complain about the city's ordinances requiring new facades for metal buildings. They say that that ODOT is not paying them enough money in right-of-way acquisition to do the re-models.

Highway 59 from Leisure Lane to Sailboat Bridge is scheduled for a complete makeover next year, with up to five lanes. ODOT has been in condemnation proceedings since January.

The city had made ODOT aware of the new ordinances and requested that they take that into consideration in their acquisitions, but apparently this did not satisfy the merchants. They told Council that the State had offered them far less than what they felt their buildings were worth and did not take into consideration the cost of bringing the façade up to code.

Code requires that the front of the building be of brick or stone, if moved or altered, or if left vacant for six months. In some cases the sides must be partial brick as well. Councilman Larry Parham voiced this issue Wednesday regarding Hawkes Auto which had moved into the former Cheek Auto Mall building, which is not up to Code and was empty for more than six months.
City Manager Billl Galletly offered to sit down with each of the property owners and help them, but in the final analysis, the problem is between the State and the property owner.

In other action, Council:
--issued a proclamation for the Red Hat Society's Gala April 29;
--Heard from Connie Brewer regarding a request to hold a contest for the design of a City of Grove flag;
--Viewed a presentation on 18th Street progress from Jimmy Heard, project inspector for the city. Curbs are to be installed this week with two asphalt layers to be applied shortly, which will finish the project by July.
--Voted to update ordinances on street, sidewalk, driveways and parking lots.
--Heard from Bettie Kardos-Bishop, Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Commission, on items being placed on the Council Agenda without knowledge of the City Manager, City Clerk, or P&Z Chairman. Council agreed that all requests to be put on the Agenda for P&Z meetings should go through either Galletly or City Clerk Bonnie Buzzard.
--Awarded DDT Fireworks the annual July 4 Fireworks Show on a bid of $15,000 with 1200 additional "shots" provided over the bid specs. In previous years, Fireworks Spectacular has provided the show. This year there will be 3458 "shots." (unless the Burn Ban continues in which case there will be no fireworks show)
--tabled action regarding transfer of property for the Grove Municipal Airport Authority to the city, but approved action transferring GIDA property to the city. The airport paperwork needs some slight correction and will be ready at the next meeting.

Council went into Executive Session at 7:20 p.m. to discuss possible action on pending legal claims regarding the Grand Jury investigation, litigation filed by Earl Shero, and the case of Gary Metcalf vs the City. Former Councilman David Adzigian also attended the Session as he was named in one of the lawsuits. Council came out of the session at 8:25 p.m. and announced that no action was taken.

Grove to Get New Newspaper

The Grove Observer, an internet web log (blog) since last July with nearly 400 stories posted, is going to the next level. Our first print issue, real paper, lots of color, local stories, will be out May 24 just in time for Memorial Day weekend and the big bass tournament.

This first issue will allow future advertisers to see the product, which will be simply amazing compared with other daily or weekly papers in the area. If you wish to advertise in this inaugural, souvenir edition, please call 787-4196 for advertising rates.

Publisher is Doug Drown, who recently printed the outstanding Newcomer's Guide to Grand Lake. Due out soon are a new map of Grand Lake and a new telephone directory, "Who's Who Grand Lake." Drown is the former executive director of the Grand Lake Association.

Editor of The Grove Observer will be Jim Mills of Grove, who founded the blog known as The Grove Observer. He is a journalism graduate of OU and former newspaper writer, photographer and editor, and wrote for the US Information Agency in Washington, D.C. for two years. He has continued writing throughout his career. He and his wife, Carla, have owned Prestonwood Travel in Dallas the past 25 years and operate it from Grand Lake.

So what are two old geezers doing starting a new newspaper?

"We must be crazy," said Drown, "but we recognize the real need for quality journalism in Grove and the Grand Lake area." Mills said the new publication will endeavor to print both sides, be fair and balanced, and not be afraid to take on the big issues. Most of the news will be of a local nature. "A survey of advertisers has shown they want a quality newspaper with lots of color and exciting graphics and we will give it to them," Drown said. "This is going to be really exciting for the city," he added.

The newspaper initially will be mailed free to 4,000 residents and sold at various merchants in Grove and around the lake for 50 cents a copy.

The electronic version will continue for those out of town or cruising the world.

Special Meeting Called on New Cell Tower, WiFi

The Grove Industrial Development Authority has called a special meeting for 1:30 p.m. Monday, May 1, to open proposals to co-venture construction and operation of a new 250-270 foot tower cell strong enough to withstand a 150 mph wind.

The tower is to hold not less than four cell phone carriers located at various levels, connect to a T-1 line, with equipment for a new WiFi internet system to be located at the 140-150 foot level. Grove's EMS radio system will be located at the top of the self-supporting tower. Location is near the Grove Water Tower south of the elementary school.

Proposals will be opened Friday at 2:10 p.m. at City Hall.
The existing 140-foot tower will be removed and possibly located elsewhere and is part of the bid process..
The new tower and equipment is to be operational 90 days from receipt of a Notice to Proceed from the city.

At the regular monthly GIDA meeting this week, the board voted acceptance of a lease agreement transferring GIDA properties to the city, with the exception of the Civic Center, and removed the word "except" from a paragraph. The board also heard from the city's accounting firm, Carlson & Cottrell, regarding the annual audit, which found no issues.

An Editorial...Let's Help Lendonwood

Lendonwood Gardens in Grove is one of the city's premier tourist attractions. But it is in need of financial help. Efforts to raise money through traditional pledges have fallen short. One of its longtime members has asked GMSA for help with the water bill, which runs $4-5,000 a year. This is probably something that would set a bad precedent.

However, if Grove can donate $3,000 to the Northeast Kennel Club, $15,000 to the July 4 Fireworks Display, $15,000 to the American Heritage Festival, and $75,000 to the Grand Lake Association for the upcoming Bassmasters tournament, EGADS can't we come up with some funding to keep Lendonwood alive?
Tourism is the city's biggest industry. We have a long way to go in developing it to the fullest.

So let's not let one of the city's precious assets decline due to lack of donations. We encourage the Council to appropriate funding for Lendonwood, on an annual, ongoing basis.
It generates income for the city year-round through the visitors that come to Grove and spend money which goes into the sales tax coffers.

Earth Day Held at Lendonwood Gardens

The First Annual Earth Day Field Trip, organized by Beverly Helms, brought out more than 180 Grove third graders on Thursday to Lendonwood Gardens to view a variety of demonstrations and hear experts. Above left, Sam Grasso of the Delaware County Soil Conservation District, talks about conserving water and other natural resources; above right Woody Hansen shows off his live snakes, including several of the poison variety. Nine different third grade classes participated in the Field Trip and visited 19 different stations inside the garden.


Headline in the local newspaper: "Bush declares Delaware County a major Disaster."
Apparently word has gotten out…Lake Hudson is now full, at normal level, so the question is will the leakage at Grand Lake continue or will Grand be allowed to rise to the 744 elevation per the rule curve? It is amazing that these two lakes are not considerably lower, taking in the draught we are having…A couple of those Bradford Pear trees in downtown Grove have walked away from the north side of Third Street. They will all come down soon when work starts on the downtown renewal project, but the street actually looks better without the trees…Next Monday the Grand Jury investigation into Grove city officials begins at the Delaware County Courthouse. If you have a gripe be sure to get it to the courthouse before then. This should really be interesting, except nothing will be known until the jury is finished and announces an indictment, or does nothing, or does something in between, since Grand Jury proceedings are secret. Anyone been to a Salem Witchunt lately?...If the draught continues and the Burn Ban remains in effect, there won't be any of those big time fireworks shows this summer, which should save a lot of money that might be used elsewhere...The City of Grove has built new restrooms at the Grove Rotary Centennial Park, made of Cinder block, which may not be up to Code, The Observer was told. Imagine, the city violating its own building Code...Grove Resident Glenn Sharp is retiring from REC next week after many years of service as Marketing Specialist. Glenn is a frequent observer at Council and other city meetings...Earl Barnes and Earl Shero recently sent out a "Dear Friends" letter to those that signed the Grand Jury Petition, advising them to support Eddie Wyant for District Attorney in the July election, stating that "Wyant has been falsely subjected to allegations of selective prosecution and harassment while trying to stop the violations of law."

Arvest Site Plan OK'd by P&Z Board

The Grove Planning & Zoning Board approved the site plan for Arvest Bank--Grove Branch at a special meeting Wednesday. The new bank will be located south of Arby's at 1818 S. Main and should open in December, said Steve Duff, President.

The board tabled approval of a site plan for DOCSeniors on East First Street until a more complete site plan could be provided.

Next meeting of the P&Z Board will be May 9 at 5 p.m. to hear re-zoning and annexation of Shundi Road from 13th to 18th Street. Delaware County District #1 has stated that the county has no objection to the city's annexation of the street.

This Week's Readers Poll

During the US Air Force Band Concert recently held at the Grove Civic Center, several comments were made from audience members regarding the need for a new building.
The Civic Center needs $400,000 in roof repairs and is acoustically challenged.
So here is this week's Poll:

Should the existing Civic Center building and land be sold and a new multi-purpose events center be built elsewhere?

Email YES, or NO in the Subject line to:

Results will be posted in next week's Observer.

Playmakers' Snake Run ends April 30

Stomping out snakes? No, Master Gardners Darlene & Bill Underwood and Sue & Ken Nivens are decorating The Playmaker lobby as a neglected garden for the mystery, "Snake In the Grass," ending Sunday April 30 at Off Broadway Arts. For information and reservations call The Playmakers, 918-786-8950.

GMSA Board Holds Routine Meeting

Board members of the Grove Municipal Services Authority disposed of some 13 agenda items at this week's regular meeting, including taking action to set a policy on minimum pipe size for future developments and meter and water connections. The goal is to eventually have automated meter readings using wi-fi systems, eliminating three or four persons needed to read residential meters.

The board took no action on a request from Larry Harrelson regarding assistance with the water bill at Lendonwood Gardens but did not turn a deaf ear on the request. City Manager Bill Galletly said that Lendonwood was a valuable asset for the city's tourism program and perhaps another way could be found to assist.

The board also heard a presentation from John Gillette and Bob Daggett, Rural Water District #9, on a solution to the lack of fire hydrants at Lighthouse Springs and Patricia Island Estates. A total of eight new fire hydrants will be paid for by stakeholders, including GMSA, the Water District, developers, builders, and homeowners, at a total cost of about $19,200. Installation should be completed by December.

In other agenda items, the board:
--agreed to re-bid demolition of the old sewer/water plants.
--accepted a proposal from Archer Engineering for $12,166 for construction of the elementary school stand pipe altitude valve.
--discussed a proposal from Rural Water District #9 on future policies for fire hydrants and agreed that GMSA would pay 25% and the water district paying 25%, with the rest up to the developers.
--heard a presentation of the 2004-05 GMSA Audit.
--agreed to advertise for bids for odor control equipment to be installed on the line and lift stations adjacent to the old sewer plant, approximate cost of $60,000.
--turned down a request from Summit Energy pertaining to transportation fees on natural gas for Simmons Farms in Fairland.
--approved a line exemption for House of Hope for a six inch water and two inch gas line.
--discussed fixed gas prices from OneOK and the fact that it will be year-to-year from now on regarding locking in gas prices, rather than three or five year contracts as in the past.

YMCA Offers "Super Sitters" Program

The Grand Lake Family YMCA is offering a intensive program designed to teach 10 to 13 year olds babysitting skills such as creative skills, personal safety and first aid procedures.
“Super Sitters” will be offered on Friday, April 28 from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm. Topics such as home, fire, stranger and telephone safety will be covered along with tips on being an efficient and entertaining babysitter.
“Super Sitters” participants will receive a certificate upon class completion. All materials and lunch are included in the registration fee which is $25 for YMCA members and $30 for non-members.
Enrollment is limited to 10 participants.
For further information or to register call the Grand Lake Family YMCA at (918) 786-5774. The Grand Lake YMCA is located at 206 Elk St. in the old library building.

Demolition Work Begins at Walgreen's Site

Demolition work has begun at the site of the new Walgreen's at 13th and Main, with the tearing down of the first of several houses.

Grove to See Red April 29

Several members of the Red Hot Hatters of Grand Lake received a proclamation at this week's Council meeting from Mayor Carolyn Nuckolls, who in turn was given a new Red Hat in appreciation. Above are Shirley Daggett, Queen Mother; Carla Mills; Nancy Smith, and Teena Moseley. Some 240 hatters from five states will be in Grove April 29 for the Red Hat Gala, at Royal Bay Convention Center. The event is sold out.

Council Amends Ordinances

No more driveway culverts like these will be permitted in new developments. Grove City Council amended Ordinance #311 this week to include updated versions of street, sidewalk and sub-division specifications, as well as amendment of Ordinance #458 to update residential driveways and commercial parking lots. New culverts will have to be made of concrete and won't collapse from off-driveway traffic.