The Grove Observer

A weekly newspaper for Grove and Grand Lake residents. Published every Friday. If you have news, email us at or fax (918) 791-0206. Copyright 2007. No reproduction without consent of the author.

Welcome to The Grove Observer...a weekly newspaper serving Grove and the Grand Lake area. If it's news, we'll cover it. You also have the opportunity to comment on our newspaper via your own posts. We publish every Friday and hope that you enjoy this increased coverage of events around Grand Lake. Send our web address to your friends as well.

Editor & Publisher: Jim Mills

Friday, October 21, 2005

City Council Reverses Itself on GIDA Appointment

Horses in residential Grove, like this one, are no longer welcome within the city limits unless they can find two acres to live on, according to new regulations for large animals.

That old saying about holding a prize fight when a city council meeting broke out almost came true this week.
Tempers flaired and some unprintable words were exchanged after Tuesday's Council meeting over the appointment of Bob Henkle to the Grove Industrial Development Board, a position he had held for 22 years but which expired this month. Council had previously voted at its last meeting to appoint only two of three applicants to the board which had three vacancies, and Tuesday night was to approve advertising for the third position vacancy.
However, council members Dave Helms and Mayor Carolyn Nuckolls were defeated in this attempt in a 3-2 vote, and Henkle was named to the vacancy also by a 3-2 vote on motion by Terry Ryan, who had changed his position since the last meeting.
"I just did not think that Mr. Henkle was treated fairly at the last council meeting and I felt that he deserved re-appointment to the Board," Ryan said after the meeting. Joining Ryan in the vote were councilmen Gary Bishop and Larry Parham.
Helms and Nuckolls had issues with Henkle over Executive Sessions of GIDA held in July.
Also providing some further heat was a presentation by Earl Shero, who has ongoing lawsuits with the city, who presented the Council with a reminder as to their duties to uphold the Constitution, reminding them of their oath of office, and the "continuing investigation at the highest level."
Delaware County District Attorney Eddie Wyant has advised the GIDA board that he will not file charges against the board members for Open Meeting Act violations over the civic center issue at this time. He also advised that "if sufficient evidence is developed that shows this has been happening or happens in the future, I will reopen this issue and will prosecute those responsible."
In other action the Council:
--Authorized the City Attorney to investigate whether or not Patricia Island and Buffalo Shores South are actually within the Grove City limits, due to unsigned paperwork. The vote was 4-1 with Larry Parham voting against. Parham lives in Patricia Island Estates.
"This has been an ongoing issue for 25 years and we need to get it straightened out once and for all," said Mayor Carolyn Nuckolls. Action was requested by Janet Perry, reporter for the Miami News Record.
--Amended Animal Ordinance #354 to require two acres of land for large animals within the city limits and invoked an emergency clause for the change, making it effective immediately.
--Authorized advertising for a permanent City Attorney, thanking interim City Attorney Larry Steidley of Claremore. Candidates must have five years of municipal experience.
--Tabled action on liability insurance for Airport Trustees and the Council as the proper paperwork had not been received. Cost to the taxpayers will be around $6300 per year in premiums.
--Approved an amendment to the land use plan and re-zoning from R-1 single family to R-2 multi family for lots in the Rogers Addition and Rogers Jones Addition for owners Brad and Sandy Busch who want to build duplex units for plus 55 age residents.
--Approved an amendment and re-zoning for 60 acres near the 18th Street project owned by Tommy and Janey Gray, from Agricultural to C-3 Commercial.
--Presented a Plaque of Appreciation to Jim Weeks, longtime member of the Planning and Zoning Board who resigned last month.
--Approved the sale of two police cars after being declared surplus equipment, for $1.00 each to the city of Kansas, OK. Police department.


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