City Council Votes Possible Legal Action
"Grove will end up funding 60% of the Sheriff's office operations and get nothing in return," said Grove resident Bill Miller, who addressed the council at its regular meeting Tuesday night.
"This is an ill conceived and improperly advertised sales tax proposal," he said, adding that the tax will raise more than $1,200,000 a year for the Sheriff's office operations.
(Editors Note: The budget for the Craig County Sheriff's office is $380,000)
Resident Bob Brogden said the Proclamation calling for the election had to be posted 60 days prior to Aug. 9 and was not and urged all citizens to call County Commissioner Poindexter and urge him to revoke the Proclamation. He said he has asked State Representative Doug Cox for assistance as well.
"Our only hope is to stop this election because it will certainly pass out in the county," he said.
If the tax passes, only Beggs and Picher would have a higher sales tax than Grove, it was pointed out. Miller said "those who are able can go to Joplin for groceries and pay 4.1%, also for larger item purchases and building materials. "The tax will have a negative impact on Grove and its businesses. He urged the County Commissioners to properly analyze the needs for the county and then make a case for some other form of income generation.
Councilman Terry Ryan said we need to do an "end run" around this tax and stop it in its tracks.
Only one person, Larry Hestand, owner of KGVE, spoke against stopping the election, saying he "lives in the County" and needs county services including law enforcement.
Miller pointed out that the Sheriff's office operations last year cost $585,499 and the budget for 2004-05 is $705,192. Several speakers chided Sheriff Jay Blackfox for failing to appear in Grove to speak about the tax, focusing instead on small towns in the south county area.
In other business, the council voted 5-0 to return a request from David and Ethel Irvine to rezone property at 1103 and 1105 Ridge Runner Court from C-3 to R-3, to the Planning and Zoning Board; also ordinance #446 regarding exterior building elevations in residential areas to be returned to Planning and Zoning for further review.
They also voted to approve replatting lots in the Estates of Carey Bay and Melody Point subdivisions; heard a presentation from Garver Engineering on the 18th and Shundi expansion project; and approved engineering studies on the design of a beach along 98th street; the redesign of the Grove City Hall parking lot; and widening of State Park Road.
They also voted to acquire additional property for the Grove Municipal Airport using 95% Federal money with Grove paying 5% for 57 acres along the west boundary of the airport.