Airport Board, Council Settle Property Dispute
All of the previous issues that were left to resolve were settled and the property will be transferred as soon as the paperwork can be completed.
The five stipulations that the airport board had given city council March 2 were either dropped, modified, or agreed to by council and the board.
By a 3-2 vote the airport board agreed to delete #1, regarding the city's indemnification of the board members in case of a lawsuit against them. Voting against dropping the stipulation were Gary Trippensee and Max Schuermann. Attorneys for both groups agreed that if someone were to sue a board member they would also sue the city and the city attorney would end up responding for both, although the possibility of a suit was considered remote.
Also agreed to were updating the legal descriptions of all land, and agreement to specify the co-owned land as tracts 17, 18 and 19 of approximately 19 acres, the rest to be owned by the city; the board passed a motion 5-0 to automatically continue the lease agreement after all debt is paid off rather than automatically terminate as previously worded; and agreed that the city would pay for recording fees and deed preparation for the co-owned property.
The airport board then passed a motion by 5-0 to authorize the chairman or vice chairman to sign the quit claim deeds including parcels 17, 18 and 19 upon acceptance of the council. Council then voted 4-0 with Larry Parham abstaining, to accept the board's revisions.
Some discussion was devoted to the possibility that at some period in the past, there was no debt and thus the trust authority might have been automatically terminated. But the revision made Thursday to automatically continue the authority keeps that from happening again. Board member David Adzigian authored this change.