The Canine Missy MacTavish

Hello folks. I'm writing to tell you there not be a blog this week due to the fact that the entire staff, except for me, went to the beach for a few days to cool off. This includes Sam Smithers, our restaurant reviewer person, and our newest staff member, The Rumor Man, who investigates rumors.
I'm not too bad off myself, as I am spending time at Camp with my friend Sailor. Sure beats jail. I have been assigned the task of straightening out the local Wal Mart, which is in the process of playing hide and seek with their merchandise.
I was not allowed to go on the trip as dogs are not safe in Mexico. At least those from North of the border.
Plus, this airplane security thing really has me baffled. Why is it you can carry on a screwdriver or razor blade, but not dog shampoo, on the airplane. In fact, the word "carry-on" will soon be deleted from the English language, since you can't carry on anything. You put your nice things in the checked luggage where the airport workers steal them, and your old crap and stuff in the carry on. So what's the purpose of a carry on anyway. You might as well just check it with the good stuff.
I have a suggestion for those security people at the airport: If it looks like a skunk, and smells like a skunk, then check all their shoes and stuff. Otherwise, leave the good people alone.
Until next time, Bark On! Miss Missy.