A Questionnaire to Commissioner Candidates...
The Grove Observer recently sent a questionnaire to both candidates for County Commissioner, District 2, regarding the upcoming Sept. 11 election, with a deadline of Sept. 1 for returning the questionnaire. Candidate Billy Cornell did not return the questionnaire. Candidate Janet Warford-Perry's responses are printed below:
1. What do you see as the top three problems facing the county the next two years?
An overcrowded jail, settling the MIDA lawsuit and stretching or finding the additional funds to build roads because the price of crude oil drives up the cost of all goods the county utilizes.
2. The county jail in Jay has been discussed at commissioner meetings for more than a year. How will you address the mandate of the state, building a new jail, and the financing of it?
It has never been my understanding that the state mandated building a new jail. The state has mandated the county to address the overcrowding situation in the existing facility.
I do not favor building a new jail because the citizens of this county, particularly in Grove, tell me they can't afford an increased city sales tax rate to finance another jail.
Instead of building another new castle for the incarcerated, I favor remodeling the old jail as a first step. In addition to that, I feel that county leaders need to find alternative methods of punishment instead of incarceration. For example, sentencing inmates to wear ankle bracelets and report in each day to a work crew that would, among other
things, clear brush left over from the tornado and ice storm, pick up trash, and a variety of county work.
If a jail must be built, I prefer setting up a work farm where prisoners grow their own food and don't have time to whittle a toothbrush into an implement of destruction. I have researched this type of set up and if elected, will share more detailed plans with the citizens.
3. The county may face payment of a $3 million debt due to the lawsuit over the Grand Lake Regional Airport on Monkey Island. Where will you come up with the money?
It is my understanding that the county's insurance policy may cover some of this liability, otherwise, the people of this county may have to share the costs via increased property taxes of a settling a lawsuit that was created by alleged backroom deals, mismanagement, racketeering and conspiracy by local officials.
4. Do you understand the Open Meeting Act? Will you follow it?
For years I've held local and state officials' feet to the fire regarding the Open Meeting Act and the Open Records Act. Not only will I adhere to those laws, but I expect the people of this county to hold my feet to the fire. I will not hub up in a backroom or anywhere else with another commissioner and discuss business--it's against the Open Meeting Act.
5. How will you administer county road funds?
First, I would design a five-year plan for road maintenance to expend county funds in the most cost effective manner. Instead of putting that five-year plan on a shelf to gather dust, it would become a living document that we worked from every day. I'd make sure the road foreman and his crew set and achieved weekly as well as monthly goals to better
maintain your roads.
6. What steps would you take to improve the efficiency of county government?
District 2 needs a commissioner who can plan its work and oversee as employees work its plan. Organization is probably the key to making this district or any other more efficient.
I also plan to keep the citizens of this district more informed than it has been in the past, specifically by creating a website where they can review upcoming projects and offer suggestions via email for road work that needs to be done in their neighborhood. Additionally, I hope to provide the public with a monthly newspaper column and/or periodic newsletter of accomplishments within the district.
However, I might caution that as with any job, whether it be government or with the private sector, until the new commissioner is elected and can review the present situation, it's impossible to foresee specific needs of this district.
1. What do you see as the top three problems facing the county the next two years?
An overcrowded jail, settling the MIDA lawsuit and stretching or finding the additional funds to build roads because the price of crude oil drives up the cost of all goods the county utilizes.
2. The county jail in Jay has been discussed at commissioner meetings for more than a year. How will you address the mandate of the state, building a new jail, and the financing of it?
It has never been my understanding that the state mandated building a new jail. The state has mandated the county to address the overcrowding situation in the existing facility.
I do not favor building a new jail because the citizens of this county, particularly in Grove, tell me they can't afford an increased city sales tax rate to finance another jail.
Instead of building another new castle for the incarcerated, I favor remodeling the old jail as a first step. In addition to that, I feel that county leaders need to find alternative methods of punishment instead of incarceration. For example, sentencing inmates to wear ankle bracelets and report in each day to a work crew that would, among other
things, clear brush left over from the tornado and ice storm, pick up trash, and a variety of county work.
If a jail must be built, I prefer setting up a work farm where prisoners grow their own food and don't have time to whittle a toothbrush into an implement of destruction. I have researched this type of set up and if elected, will share more detailed plans with the citizens.
3. The county may face payment of a $3 million debt due to the lawsuit over the Grand Lake Regional Airport on Monkey Island. Where will you come up with the money?
It is my understanding that the county's insurance policy may cover some of this liability, otherwise, the people of this county may have to share the costs via increased property taxes of a settling a lawsuit that was created by alleged backroom deals, mismanagement, racketeering and conspiracy by local officials.
4. Do you understand the Open Meeting Act? Will you follow it?
For years I've held local and state officials' feet to the fire regarding the Open Meeting Act and the Open Records Act. Not only will I adhere to those laws, but I expect the people of this county to hold my feet to the fire. I will not hub up in a backroom or anywhere else with another commissioner and discuss business--it's against the Open Meeting Act.
5. How will you administer county road funds?
First, I would design a five-year plan for road maintenance to expend county funds in the most cost effective manner. Instead of putting that five-year plan on a shelf to gather dust, it would become a living document that we worked from every day. I'd make sure the road foreman and his crew set and achieved weekly as well as monthly goals to better
maintain your roads.
6. What steps would you take to improve the efficiency of county government?
District 2 needs a commissioner who can plan its work and oversee as employees work its plan. Organization is probably the key to making this district or any other more efficient.
I also plan to keep the citizens of this district more informed than it has been in the past, specifically by creating a website where they can review upcoming projects and offer suggestions via email for road work that needs to be done in their neighborhood. Additionally, I hope to provide the public with a monthly newspaper column and/or periodic newsletter of accomplishments within the district.
However, I might caution that as with any job, whether it be government or with the private sector, until the new commissioner is elected and can review the present situation, it's impossible to foresee specific needs of this district.
Labels: County Commissioners
Candidate Janet Warford-Perry's response regarding the County Jail stated that she, "if elected, will share more detailed plans with the citizens"
I would hope that, if she has a good plan, she would share it with the citizens of the county, whether she gets elected or not. If it's good for the citizens of the county, then SHARE it.
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