The Grove Observer

A weekly newspaper for Grove and Grand Lake residents. Published every Friday. If you have news, email us at or fax (918) 791-0206. Copyright 2007. No reproduction without consent of the author.

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Editor & Publisher: Jim Mills

Friday, May 11, 2007

A Matter of Faith...

By Carol Round

A Mother’s Love

“Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: ‘This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.’” Luke 2:34-35 (NIV)
She is the most well-known mother in history. She gave birth to God’s son, raised Him and then saw Him sacrificed for our iniquities. As Simeon had predicted, her own soul was pierced.
Mary knew that her son was different. She had been prepared, even before His birth. But was she ready for the blood that would flow when His body was spiked with nails?
As a mother, I don’t think any of us are ever prepared for what God has in store for our children. When we first hold our newborn, we anxiously count the toes and fingers. One…two…three…four…five. Yes, there are five at the end of each limb. Praise God that my child is whole!
What if your child is physically or mentally disabled? What if God has something else planned for your child? What if your child’s disabilities are part of God’s perfect blueprint? Can you accept that His will for your offspring is greater than you could ever imagine?
I’m sure the mother of Mattie Stepanek could never conceive what God had in store for him. In 2004, Mattie, who battled a rare form of muscular dystrophy, died three weeks before his fourteenth birthday. Mattie spent most of his life in a wheelchair and on a ventilator. However, before his short life ended, Mattie had published eight books of poetry that bring hope to the world. His writing continues to touch lives today.

A friend, whose daughter had been contemplating dropping out of college for the mission field, felt that her youngest child was making a mistake. As mothers, we find it hard sometimes to accept the choices our children make. We want to encourage them to make the right ones, yet we are sometimes fearful when they step out in faith.

When my oldest son was in his teens, he became enthralled with bareback riding. Although I was not particularly excited about his choice, I encouraged him. I knew that if I didn’t, he would climb on the back of a bucking horse sooner or later. I consoled myself with the fact that at least he didn’t choose bull riding. Eventually, his desire to stay on the back of a horse that was trained to dismount him waned. However, his love for horses has not.

When a serious accident with a horse sent him to the hospital a couple of months ago, my mother’s heart was torn between begging him to stay away from horses and encouraging him in his dreams. The latter won out.

What if Mary had not supported her son’s ministry? What if she had convinced Him to forgo the cross? A mother’s love kept her at His side until the end.



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