Lendonwood Receives $2,500 Check

Lendonwood Gardens recently received a check for $2,500 from the Walton Family Foundation of Bentonville, Arkansas, to help fund various communications needs of the botanical garden in Grove.
Steve Duff, president of Arvest Bank of Jay, presented the gift Friday, June 23, to Joan Vermaire, president of the Lendonwood Board of Directors, on behalf of the foundation. Duff will serve as president of the new Arvest Bank of Grove, soon to be constructed on Main Street.
“On behalf of the Walton Family Foundation, I am pleased to present this gift to help spread the word about Lendonwood, one of our community’s real treasures,” said Duff. “This botanical garden has become an important tourist attraction on Grand Lake, which helps bolster our economy and quality of life.”
In addition to the Walton Family Foundation gift, several banks in the area have pledged contributions recently to Lendonwood’s communications initiatives. Donors include Arvest Bank, Bank of Oklahoma, First National Bank, Grand Bank, and Grand Savings Bank.
Vermaire expressed her appreciation for the support of the Walton Family Foundation and area banks. “These recent gifts and pledges demonstrate a deep commitment to our community’s well-being and for the role Lendonwood can play in enhancing the Grand Lake experience,” she said. “The Lendonwood Board and I wish to thank the donors for their ongoing support.”
The funds will be used to publish a new four-color brochure, which will be distributed widely in the four-state region. Several thousand copies will be provided to the Oklahoma tourism department for distribution through tourist centers around the state.
The brochure will highlight the beauty and serene nature of the botanical garden located at 1308 West 13th Street (Har-Ber Road). One of 12 gardens in the Oklahoma botanical garden system, Lendonwood is a non-profit organization supported by volunteers and donations.
The Walton Family Foundation was established as the culmination of the philanthropic interests of the family of Sam M. and Helen R. Walton.
In Photo: Steve Duff, president of Arvest Bank of Jay, presents a $2,500 check from the Walton Family Foundation of Bentonville, Arkansas, to Lendonwood Gardens in Grove. Accepting the check is Joan Vermaire, president of the Lendonwood Board of Directors, who said the funds will be used to help meet communications needs of the botanical garden at 1308 West 13th Street (Har-Ber Road) in Grove. Looking on are employees of Arvest Bank of Jay (from left) Misty Cleveland, Angel Fisher, and Tara Dunham, all of Jay.
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