New Camera Sets Sights on Illegal Dumping

The Grand River Dam Authority is hoping a new infrared camera will help put a stop to boats illegally dumping their sewage into lake waters. Installed on GRDA’s helicopter, the infrared technology is already being utilized for multiple purposes by GRDA, including power line and substation inspections and customer energy audits.
The GRDA Office of Ecosystems Management recently began using the camera to locate possible pollution “hot spots” such as faulty septic systems that may be leaking into the lake and believes it can locate illegal sewage dumping from boats as well.
“The deliberate dumping of sewage from a holding tank into the lake is unacceptable,” said GRDA Chief Executive Officer Kevin Easley, “and if this equipment can help us to locate someone that may be dumping, then we intend to take full advantage of its capabilities. GRDA’s mission is to be a good steward of these natural resources, and that means doing all we can to prevent this activity that is so harmful to the lake and the lake community.”
According to GRDA Ecosystems Management Superintendent Dr. Darrell Townsend Ph.D., GRDA will fully utilize this new resource during the upcoming Memorial Day holiday weekend. “There will be a lot of boats on the water and our helicopter will already be patrolling, so we certainly intend to use the equipment as much as we can,” he said.
Townsend added that boats caught dumping their holding tanks into the lake would face a hefty fine.
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