Downtown Revitalization Project Ready for Bids

First Phase Construction Work to Begin in August
By Dr. Larry Stout
The Grove Downtown Revitalization project will soon be open for bidding on phase I with construction to start in late August. The downtown project was approved for $496, 113.00 as part of the Transportation Enhancement Program which matches federal dollars with funds from sponsoring organizations. The City of Grove, as sponsor, contributed $198,445.00 with $297, 668.00 from federal funds.
“I know everyone is anxious to see some physical work start on phase I. Our committee has been working to get to this point for almost 6 years and are really looking forward to seeing new sidewalks and lighting” said Dr. Larry Stout, chairman of the Downtown Revitalization Committee. “When I was in Kentucky looking at another project, I was told that these projects required much patience, and I have found over these 6 years that not only patience is needed but also perseverance”.
We have made a lot of progress recently with the City’s help and various business owners in the downtown. An improved parking lot on Grand between Third Street and O’ Daniel is available for the public. Parking on Third can be difficult at times because of the traffic. Using the public parking off of Grand or the Community Center’s parking area can make it easier and the walk will be more interesting looking in at the new businesses that are moving into the downtown. Also, the Sports Center at Third and Main has a new asphalt parking lot off the alley behind the Grand Escapes Travel Agency to serve the new stores in their complex.
Since the project has started, several new businesses have invested several hundred thousand dollars in the downtown area creating a “new” downtown experience for shopping. Dr. Stout related that several individuals commented to him that they had recently enjoyed an evening downtown starting with dinner at Tiramisu, a walk up the street to the Playmaker’s production “Snake in the Grass” and then capping off the evening with a treat at Java Dave’s.
By Dr. Larry Stout
The Grove Downtown Revitalization project will soon be open for bidding on phase I with construction to start in late August. The downtown project was approved for $496, 113.00 as part of the Transportation Enhancement Program which matches federal dollars with funds from sponsoring organizations. The City of Grove, as sponsor, contributed $198,445.00 with $297, 668.00 from federal funds.
“I know everyone is anxious to see some physical work start on phase I. Our committee has been working to get to this point for almost 6 years and are really looking forward to seeing new sidewalks and lighting” said Dr. Larry Stout, chairman of the Downtown Revitalization Committee. “When I was in Kentucky looking at another project, I was told that these projects required much patience, and I have found over these 6 years that not only patience is needed but also perseverance”.
We have made a lot of progress recently with the City’s help and various business owners in the downtown. An improved parking lot on Grand between Third Street and O’ Daniel is available for the public. Parking on Third can be difficult at times because of the traffic. Using the public parking off of Grand or the Community Center’s parking area can make it easier and the walk will be more interesting looking in at the new businesses that are moving into the downtown. Also, the Sports Center at Third and Main has a new asphalt parking lot off the alley behind the Grand Escapes Travel Agency to serve the new stores in their complex.
Since the project has started, several new businesses have invested several hundred thousand dollars in the downtown area creating a “new” downtown experience for shopping. Dr. Stout related that several individuals commented to him that they had recently enjoyed an evening downtown starting with dinner at Tiramisu, a walk up the street to the Playmaker’s production “Snake in the Grass” and then capping off the evening with a treat at Java Dave’s.
Several downtown merchants have already refaced their storefronts in advance of the LandPlan work.
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