The Grove Observer

A weekly newspaper for Grove and Grand Lake residents. Published every Friday. If you have news, email us at or fax (918) 791-0206. Copyright 2007. No reproduction without consent of the author.

Welcome to The Grove Observer...a weekly newspaper serving Grove and the Grand Lake area. If it's news, we'll cover it. You also have the opportunity to comment on our newspaper via your own posts. We publish every Friday and hope that you enjoy this increased coverage of events around Grand Lake. Send our web address to your friends as well.

Editor & Publisher: Jim Mills

Friday, January 27, 2006

Letters to the Editor...Re Civic Center

I’ve been involved with the Civic Center, almost since the idea was first born, although that idea originated with Jana Jae and Huber Logue. Through several years of meetings and discussions, it seemed like a difficult if not impossible hill to climb before the City of Grove stepped into the picture and made the project possible. I have always believed in the concept and believe in the value of this facility more today than ever before. Your related editorial a couple of weeks ago in the Observer left me thinking about my approach to the subject, which may be slightly different than yours. This is definitely not to say I disagree with most of your questions/conclusions, but may see the issues from a different perspective.
Originally I drew up a simple basic plan for the facility which included break out meeting rooms, banquet room and the possibility of offices for the GLA and the local Chamber. The budget and the plan for the facility provided by the architect had to be pruned considerably due to the unavailability of funds and the desire to have the main room as large as possible. Regardless of this over the years the Civic Center has attracted numerous meetings and entertainment events to our community which would otherwise not have been able to be held. These events bring people to Grove who spend money on food, lodging and shopping creating sales tax income for the community. If our facility was more flexible and utilitarian than the current structure it would be much better utilized!
Your article pointed out the lack of income created by the facility and the expense of operation it requires. These facts are absolutely correct to the best of my knowledge; but fail to include the other benefits the building provides. Besides the sales tax created by the attendees at various events the building enables us to hold and experience events which might not be able to be held in Grove. It accommodates other events which are much more effective and enjoyable than if they were held in a smaller facility. I truly believe that the Civic Center is one factor that contributes to making Grove the truly unique and unusual community that it is! Believe me, there are many other communities in our locality and around the Oklahoma and the 4 state area who would love to have it!
Furthermore, in my mind the Civic Center is really no different than any other property the community owns and supervises. Has anyone ever been critical of the expense of operating the part of the Community Center that doesn’t include the offices? We have a really wonderful Sports and Recreation Park, has anyone ever been critical of the electrical cost of all the lighting or upkeep of that great area? The City parks and play areas require upkeep and maintenance, should they be questioned? The Civic Center from at least my perspective should be similarly considered.
Your point that it is under promoted and under utilized is beyond question, absolutely correct. I believe this is due to a combination of factors, some rectifiable others probably not. It can and should be promoted more, but by whom? The Chamber which is probably the most likely candidate chooses to lack much interest according to your article. The City Manager has numerous responsibilities leaving him little time for such things. However, our City Managers have always controlled the property and made the decisions related to rentals, maintenance etc. Promotion and management of the facility can and need to be reviewed and improved!
On the other hand the facility itself has many drawbacks. The ceiling is much too low making the acoustics for many uses impossible, The ceiling and low height of the garage type doors prohibit utilization for some events. Even more important is the lack or break out rooms and facilities to accommodate banquets and social events! Mostly income creating activities!
Finally, I’d like to point a number of factors related to the economics and financial considerations related to the property. We purchased it for about $685,000 about one third of its appraised value at the time. We have a total of about $1,450,000 invested. Today it is valued at $3,500,000 to $4,000,000! It was a great purchase! Furthermore, at the time it was purchased a use tax for Grove was adopted by the citizens of the community on out of the area purchases delivered to activities in Grove, sales taxes that previously went to other communities and other states! The proceeds of this tax were primarily designated for the Civic Center! This tax has been providing an average of 12 to 15 thousand dollars a month to pay down the debt on the facility!
There are a number of urgent maintenance requirements that are needed for the facility. Sooner or later these must be addressed as mentioned in your article. I have long hoped that we might be able to sell it and build a bigger more functional facility that will attract much more activity and will not require all of the maintenance expense that continues to build up on the existing property.
I have long supported this position, and frankly question why we have not been able to address this and thought we would be well on our way to having a new facility completed by now!
Bob Henkle


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