The Grove Observer

A weekly newspaper for Grove and Grand Lake residents. Published every Friday. If you have news, email us at or fax (918) 791-0206. Copyright 2007. No reproduction without consent of the author.

Welcome to The Grove Observer...a weekly newspaper serving Grove and the Grand Lake area. If it's news, we'll cover it. You also have the opportunity to comment on our newspaper via your own posts. We publish every Friday and hope that you enjoy this increased coverage of events around Grand Lake. Send our web address to your friends as well.

Editor & Publisher: Jim Mills

Friday, November 04, 2005

An Editorial...End the Fuss Over Civic Center

A new Grove Industrial Development Board will meet next week, headed by former councilman David Adzigian, and the number one priority should be putting the Civic Center issue back on track. But let's call it a multi-purpose Events Center.
Various committees, soil engineering firms, site location studies, and a lot of arguing have gone into whether or not to sell the present Civic Center, a converted Wal-Mart, and build a new structure that is capable of housing a variety of events.
Sale of the existing building could bring $3.6 million, but a new multi-purpose center would cost up to $5.6 million, sources say. How does one pay the difference. And will the public support it?
Much arguing has gone into the proposed location of such a new building. East of town on Seigfried property, or near downtown on Brower property, with both owners donating the land, has brought clear division within the community.
Taxpayers funded a $47,700 study by KPMG that to put it politely, is a piece of crap. Much of it is "boilerplate" material picked out of conventions and meetings data. About 10 pages of it are relevant.
The Observer will examine in detail in future issues the question of site location, type of facility, and whether or not to even build it.
Meanwhile, Walgreen's Drug Stores and Chili's Restaurants are rumored to be very interested in acquiring land in Grove, including the site of the present civic center.
The clock ticks.
Walgreen's could generate, sources say, up to $250,000 a year in additional sales tax revenue for the city, money which could be put up for a new center.
The previous GIDA board was mired in controversy over Executive Sessions and violations of the Open Meeting Act. In the future, all sessions should be open, letting the sun shine in.
New Chairman Adzigian would be well advised to set up a series of town hall meetings with a panel of experts to advise the public on such issues to sell or not sell the present building, and new multi-purpose building issues such as location, size, purpose, market, parking, etc.
Adzigian is about as level headed a person as you can get. Ask him what time it is and he will tell you how to build a watch. Terry Ryan, also a new member to GIDA, is well versed at running a business and watching the money. Bob Henkle, who has served for 22 years on the board, can make a valuable contribution as well since he knows the history.
And, Grove has plenty of smart citizens who can help decide these issues and they should be put to work as well, and soon.


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