The Canine Corner...By Missy MacTavish
Anyway, I heard about this man in Meeker, OK that is telling all the two leggers to slow pump their gas on Labor Day weekend so as to make the big oil companies mad.
I think he should slow pump his bath water and dunk his head in it. What a dumb idea.
Also, there is this TeeVee commercial telling people about a "lockbox" for gasoline taxes if the thing passes Sept. 13.
Personally, I think they should make a great big lockbox and put all of the legislature in it! Did you know that the biggest employer in the State of Oklahoma IS the State of Oklahoma? How 'bout them doggie treats.
You will notice that I am in my golf cart again. I have to drive it on the streets because the developer where I live won't let me drive it on the cart paths around the golf course.
Certainly I wouldn't do as much damage as the golfers out there do. They take these big gardening tools with leather handles and dig holes in the ground like moles and then let out a big curseword. The tools have numbers on them, for what purpose I am unfamiliar. Some of the tools have big heads, and also the golfers.
Me, I would rather play with my soft toys and sleep, but I would sure like to drive around the cart paths someday.
Until next time, Miss Missy says be nice to your pets and they will be nice to you.
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