The Grove Observer

A weekly newspaper for Grove and Grand Lake residents. Published every Friday. If you have news, email us at or fax (918) 791-0206. Copyright 2007. No reproduction without consent of the author.

Welcome to The Grove Observer...a weekly newspaper serving Grove and the Grand Lake area. If it's news, we'll cover it. You also have the opportunity to comment on our newspaper via your own posts. We publish every Friday and hope that you enjoy this increased coverage of events around Grand Lake. Send our web address to your friends as well.

Editor & Publisher: Jim Mills

Friday, September 14, 2007

Cornell Wins Commissioner Race

Billy R. Cornell was elected Delaware County Commissioner District 2 with 64% of the vote over Janet Warford-Perry, who received 35.9% in Tuesday's election, according to unofficial county election board figures.

Perry carried both Grove precincts and the Zena precinct where she lives, but not by enough margin to overcome Cornell's showing in Jay and the south county area. (In 1907, Jay voters turned out in higher numbers than Grove and moved the county seat to Jay as a result) Straight party voting came to 71% for Democrat, 28% for Republican.

Cornell received 717 votes, Perry 402, for a total of 1119. There are 8,975 registered voters in District 2 precincts, which means only 12.8% turned out. (A higher percentage of Iraqis voted in elections in early 2007.)



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